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Jessica & Zak — Minted




Wedding Party

Keith Swafford


Everyone needs a Keith in their life. He is the Swiss army knife of humans. He is an incredible chef, the top mixologist in town, and we are convinced he can fix anything that's broken - people included. He is the first to listen and the last to leave. His personal skills leaves each person he meets with a sense of encouragement and peace. If you need something, Keith will know before you do - and also have it ready. The kind of guy that would drop everything to help you move into a new house and make it seem like it's the least stressful thing you've ever done. He is a man of God that lovingly calls out transgression and celebrates goodness.

Keith is a beloved friend to both of us. As a former pastor, Keith is someone we both run to when issues arise and provides prudent advice in time of need. His steadfast love for Jesus and our marriage made it an easy decision to have him officiate our wedding.

Written by: Zak & Jess

Taylor Winkler

Maid of Honor

Taylor is that once in a lifetime best friend. She is willing to go to the ends of the earth for you because when she loves, she loves hard. She radiates joy, is effortlessly kind, and is truly one of the funniest people I know.

Taylor has stood by my side since we were 11 through the best and the worst times, as sisters do. Our friendship continues to be a cornerstone relationship in my life today, and will be for the rest of my life.

Written by: Jess

Dylan Johnson

Best Man

Dylan sets the tone for a group. If it's time for jokes, guy has endless ridiculous stories. If it's time to handle business, Dyl will take responsibility and make moves - and people follow his lead. After almost two decades of friendship, Dylan has stood by my side for many significant moments in my life. We grew up in church together and became inseparable after he trucked me on the first day of football practice (give me a break, he's a two-time MVP). Dylan is that friend whose family always went on vacation and he got to bring a friend - well, I was that friend. I have experienced many nights, trips, and unintentional adventures with Dylan.

Since we were kids, Dylan and I have been on the hunt for girls - at church camps, at the lake, in school. You name it, we were each others wingmen. Now, he will be standing next to me for another significant moment of my life as my wingman for one final time.

Written by: Zak

Tiffany Swafford


I feel like Tiff is that person who is everyone's steady force in their individual lives. At least she has been that for me in mine. She is the calm in every storm yet she is the simultaneous stirring of excitement in all the joyous moments!

She is a friend and a sister who will truly walk with, sit next to, cry with, laugh with, and celebrate you in every aspect of your life. She is not swayed by overwhelming emotions but is able to meet you exactly where you are. She has the gift of joy that she shares with everyone she meets and I could not be more ecstatic to have her standing next to me for the years to come!

Written by: Jess

Beau Kitson

Best Man

Beau is the life of the party. If you hear a group having a good time, Beau is there telling a story. It just seems like there is neither a location he hasn’t been nor a person he doesn’t know.

Beau and I met after he transferred to ULV for football. We became boys early, and despite paying rent for a place just a mile away, Beau set up shop in our living room. We watched film, took the same classes, and worked on group projects together. He was an All-American player, but he’s an All-World friend. He’s a character to be around, but it is his thoughtfulness, respect, and selfless love that sets him apart. After college, Beau knew I was looking for a career and somehow got me an amazing opportunity in Arizona & let me stay at his place. Thanks to Beau and his family, I was provided the time and resources to study and apply to Pepperdine Law School.

We’ve lost money, grades, and friends together. We’ve gained wins, degrees, and friends together. In darkness and light, my dawg Beau remains a beacon of strength and encouragement for others. He’s my critic when needed and has always been my biggest supporter.

Written by: Zak

Ashley Nishanian


To me - Ashley will be the coolest person at the wedding. She has a side to her that levels me out - she's cool, calm, and gracefully collected. And then there's a side of Ashley that is down for anything fun, knows how to have a good time, and will hype you up like no other.

Ashley's friendship is a blessing. She's the definition of a real friend that will stick with you through life's ups and downs, twist and turns, and will be right by you or pulling you through it. It was so easy to choose Ashley as one of my bridesmaids because I know she'll, not only be standing by my side at the wedding, but standing by my side throughout this crazy life.

Written by: Jess

Brandon Soto

Best Man

Soto is a doer. The kind of friend that will answer a call at 2am on the first ring and ask where he needs to be. He's reliable and selfless, and deeply cares for his friends and family.

We met on the football team at ULV, and became boys when he moved into the apartment below us in college. Soto always has some idea he is scheming, and since then, we have attempted (almost) every good and bad one of them. I'll let you fill in the blanks. We've been through it together - started a book club, a bible study, unintentionally spent the night on the 5 freeway, and I even slept under his bed for a summer. Soto was also friends with Jess before we started dating. He's been there since the beginning and will be there until the end.

Written by: Zak

Brittany Edmond


Brittany is an absolute gem. You can't help but be drawn to her vibrancy, wittiness, humor, and her smile when you're around her! She can easily make anything or any event ten times better just by her presence alone.

She has been Zak's sister his whole life, but became mine upon meeting her. She's been someone that I can go to for wisdom, candor, and clarity through every season and I cherish her ability to always redirect myself and Zak back to the Lord. To have her standing next to me on my wedding day is a gift I'll treasure my whole life!

Written by: Jess

Dallas Parent

Best Man

DP is not a good friend, he is a great one. At football practice, an absolute stranger heckled me for singing the wrong words to a song. The back-and-forth banter immediately formed a friendship that turned into an unbreakable bond. Some folks think we are related, but his insane athleticism proves otherwise. My brother from another mother, as they say.

As my roommate throughout college, we have yelled, cheered, cried, and laughed together. We have even been stranded deep in the Arizona desert together (don't ask). Dallas has been there for me throughout my relationship with Jess, and is a selfless, unwavering friend regardless of the circumstances. He and his fiancé, Brooke, remain a vital part of our lives. We would legitimately move the date of our wedding if he could not attend on March 2.

Written by: Zak

Emilee Holgate


It's a blessing when you get along with your significant other's best friend's significant other - but it's truly such a gift when that person becomes an incredible friend to you. Emilee, Dylan Johnson's beautiful bride-to-be, is that person in my life. Meeting her through Dylan and Zak's friendship has made my life sweeter. Emilee is kind, so incredibly so. She can be busy with a million other things but if you needed her, she'll be there. She is easy to be around and allows you to be entirely yourself when you're around her. I am so grateful to have Emilee standing next to me, not only on the day of the wedding, but throughout this wild life.

Written by: Jess

Matthew Nishanian

Best Man

Nish is a brilliant mix of brutal candor and steadfast altruism. After I met him through football at ULV, we became close friends - ultimately leading Dallas, Shawn, and I to (subtly) kick out our fourth roommate to make room for Nish.

Behind his witty sarcasm, Nish has a heart of gold. Nish started his family in 2020, demonstrating the path from singleness to smoothly handling his responsibilities as a husband and a father. As his child’s godfather, I take great pride in being a part of Matt’s family. I look forward to making him proud as he watches me start mine.

Written by: Zak

Shawn Kagan

Best Man

Shawn is incredibly intelligent with an infectious sense of humor. On the first day of college, a scheduling error caused Shawn and I to meet in the waiting room at the University of La Verne. While waiting, Shawn told me he was hungry and sweet-talked the receptionist into giving us snack. I knew I was in the presence of a one of a kind human so we convinced Shawn's new receptionist friend to put us in the dorms together.

Our friendship started over saltines and fruit snacks, and deepened through our play on the football field. We lived together throughout college, where we pushed each other in classes and fought over the highest grades. Now, we give each other advice and push each other to become successful hard workers for our careers and families. From the beginning, Shawn has told me, “You gotta marry Jess, bro. That’s wifey.” He is absolutely right.

Written by: Zak

Tyler Tomlinson

Best Man

My brother, Tyler, has a way of making a moment better. As a certified goofball, Tyler makes even the most boring event entertaining. When he's not all smiles, Tyler relentlessly loves his friends and family in all circumstances without hesitation.

Growing up, we shared a room together where we stayed up way too late exchanging fists, clothes, laughs, and stories. Now, we look at each other and give a reminiscent laugh as his oldest son pushes his younger sons around and beats them in every sport. Brotherhood is not just blood relation, it’s committed, sacrificial love and support for each other. For Tyler and I, we have both.

Written by: Zak

Mike Edmond

Best Man

Mike is a smooth operator. His insightful observations allow him to understand people and anticipate issues before they occur. This, in turn, makes him the ultimate protector and provider for those he loves.

As a brother, I am understandably protective of my sister, Brittany. However, after spending time with Mike a few times, my concern for Brittany turned into convincing her to not let Mike get away. Mike and I met through Brittany, however, our brotherhood goes far beyond any "in-law" status. Whether we are cracking jokes, talking stocks, or discussing life's challenges together, Mike is a steadfast friend that skillfully speaks truth in love.

Written by: Zak

Dana Bonilla


Age gaps mean little to none for Dana and I. It's so fun to have a sister that no matter how much time has passed, we always pick up right where we left off, like nothing has changed. What I love about Dana is that she is the life of every party. I love her ability to make any mundane thing fun, make anyone laugh, and be down to dance with me no matter how silly it may be.

I couldn't imagine getting married and not having her stand next to me. She is one of my favorite people and I can't wait to dance the night away with her on the day of the wedding!

Written by: Jess